Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
At Bakewell Methodist Academy, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our PSHE curriculum intends to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We aim to prepare children to be global citizens now and in their future roles within a global community. Our curriculum enables pupils to explore the complexity of the relationships they have now and to know how to be safe, preparing them to understand and develop healthy relationships in their future lives.
At Bakewell, we have a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum which we feel aligns with our curriculum drivers of diversity, resilience, creativity and aspiration. The curriculum is rich in knowledge; the children need to be able to make informed choices and decisions, but equally importantly need to learn and develop the personal attributes and skills to be equipped to deal with a range of situations.
Our curriculum drivers are taught both explicitly and implicitly throughout the curriculum, as well as ensuring we cover a wide range of areas to support children to become responsible citizens. PSHE supports our science and PE curriculum in reiterating the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle both physically and mentally. We firmly believe that a meaningful PSHE curriculum is the key to children becoming confident, tolerant and well-rounded adults.
PSHE is taught weekly. Elements of PSHE are included in religious education (RE), Science and Computing. Our curriculum is set out below.
We have developed the curriculum in consultation with parents, pupils and staff, taking into account the age, needs and feelings of pupils. If pupils ask questions outside the scope of this policy, teachers will respond appropriately so they are fully informed and don’t seek answers online or from unreliable sources.
Our curriculum follows the Coram Life Education SCARF syllabus. This splits the subject into 6 modules which are repeated over our two year teaching cycle for Lower and Upper Key Stage 2.
The 6 modules are:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Safe
- Rights and Respect
- Being my Best
- Growing and Changing
For children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, learning is adapted using the same quality first teaching strategies for other curriculum areas. For individual children with specific needs, the content and sequence of the curriculum are shaped to meet their specific needs at different developmental stages.
Parents’ right to withdraw
Parents do not have the right to withdraw their children from relationships education. Parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of sex education delivered as part of statutory RSE. Specifically, this means parents may choose to withdraw their children from the non-statutory aspects of the Year 6 PSHE curriculum. Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing using the form found in Appendix 2 of this policy and addressed to the headteacher. Alternative work will be given to pupils who are withdrawn from sex education.
Information for parents
Additional information for parents about our PSHE curriculum can be found here. Including how to embed your child’s school health and wellbeing learning at home and how to support your child’s mental health.
Family SCARF (