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Applying for a School Place

You are welcome to put your child's name down on our admissions list and to book a tour of the school at any time. This does not guarantee a place at our school, no matter how early you do this. However, it means that you are "in the loop" and will receive the admissions paperwork from the local authority.

In the November before your child is ready to come to school, you will receive an information pack and application form from the local authority. It is on this form that you indicate the school you would like your child to attend. This form must be returned to the local authority by the specified date.

You will be informed of your child's allocated place in April. The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for the school is 40 pupils. This means we have 40 places available every year at the school.

If you are offered a place at Bakewell Methodist academy, we will write to you and ask you to accept the place. A parents meeting will be held at the school to present you with further information about your child starting school and give you the opportunity to ask questions.

There is also the opportunity for a home visit where we can meet you and your child in your home setting. This is a time when you can ask any further questions you may have about starting school.

Admissions to the Junior school are processed by the Local Authority as part of the Derbyshire Coordinated Admissions Scheme.

Detailed information is available on their website:

Primary, infant and junior school admissions - Derbyshire County Council


Tel: 01629 537 479

Write to:

Admissions and Transport Team, Children's Services, Derbyshire County Council, School Road, Chesterfield Derbyshire, S41 8LJ

You can Apply online for a school place

Key Dates for Admissions

Admissions for 2024/2025

• The application round opens on 6th November 2023 and closes on 15th January 2024

• The offer date for the September 2024 intake is 15th April 2024 (National Offer Day)

Admissions for 2025/2026

• The application round opens on 4th November 2024 and closes on 13th January 2025

• The offer date for the September 2025 intake is 22nd April 2025 (National Offer Day)

For further details with regards the admission arrangements for our school, including waiting lists, inyear admissions, admissions of children of outside their normal age group and the appeal process, please see the Admission Policy